ISSN 1662-4009 (online)

ey0019.12-6 | Metabolic syndrome | ESPEYB19

12.6. Abuse in childhood and cardiometabolic health in early adulthood: evidence from the Avon longitudinal study of parents and children

A Goncalves Soares A, Zimmerman A, Zammit S, Karl A, Halligan SL, Fraser

Journal of the American Heart Association 2021;10(24):e021701. doi: 10.1161/JAHA.121.021701Brief Summary: This population-based birth cohort study identified an association between childhood abuse and higher BMI at age 18 and 25 years, and also hyperinsulinemia and other markers of the MetS at age 25.Comment: Previous studies reported that about one-third of adult candi...

ey0019.2-22 | Miscellaneous | ESPEYB19

2.22. Large birth size, infancy growth pattern, insulin resistance and [beta]-cell function

R Huang , Y Dong , AM Nuyt , E Levy , SQ Wei , P Julien , WD Fraser , ZC Luo

Eur J Endocrinol. 2021 May 24;185(1):77-85. doi: 10.1530/EJE-20-1332. PMID: 33914700.Brief Summary: This case control study assessed beta-cell function and glucose metabolism in large for gestational age (LGA) infants in relation to their weight and growth parameters at 2 years of age. In LGA infants, changes in growth parameters were associated with changes in insulin resistance and beta-cell dy...

ey0015.10-20 | Prevention | ESPEYB15

10.20 Effect of hydrolyzed infant formula vs conventional formula on risk of T1DM. The TRIGR randomized clinical trial

Writing Group for the TRIGR Study Group , M Knip , HK Åkerblom , E Al Taji , D Becker , J Bruining , L Castano , T Danne , C de Beaufort , HM Dosch , J Dupre , WD Fraser , N Howard , J Ilonen , D Konrad , O Kordonouri , JP Krischer , ML Lawson , J Ludvigsson , L Madacsy , JL Mahon , A Ormisson , JP Palmer , P Pozzilli , E Savilahti , M Serrano-Rios , M Songini , S Taback , Vaarala , NH White , SM Virtanen , R Wasikowa

To read the full abstract: JAMA. 2018;319:38-48Earlier observational studies showed that dietary exposure to complex proteins in newborns and early infants is associated with beta cell autoimmunity and increase the risk for T1DM. Several studies avoiding certain proteins, such as gluten and casein, have been conducted without reducing the risk for T1D in genetically susceptible children. Theref...

ey0020.4-10 | Gender Incongruence (GI): New Guidance | ESPEYB20

4.10. Standards of Care for the Health of Transgender and Gender Diverse People, Version 8

E Coleman , AE Radix , WP Bouman , GR Brown , ALC de Vries , MB Deutsch , R Ettner , L Fraser , M Goodman , J Green , AB Hancock , TW Johnson , DH Karasic , GA Knudson , SF Leibowitz , HFL Meyer-Bahlburg , SJ Monstrey , J Motmans , L Nahata , TO Nieder , SL Reisner , C Richards , LS Schechter , V Tangpricha , AC Tishelman , MAA Van Trotsenburg , S Winter , K Ducheny , NJ Adams , TM Adrian , LR Allen , D Azul , H Bagga , K Başar , DS Bathory , JJ Belinky , DR Berg , JU Berli , RO Bluebond-Langner , MB Bouman , ML Bowers , PJ Brassard , J Byrne , L Capitan , CJ Cargill , JM Carswell , SC Chang , G Chelvakumar , T Corneil , KB Dalke , G De Cuypere , E de Vries , M Den Heijer , AH Devor , C Dhejne , A D'Marco , EK Edmiston , L Edwards-Leeper , R Ehrbar , D Ehrensaft , J Eisfeld , E Elaut , L Erickson-Schroth , JL Feldman , AD Fisher , MM Garcia , L Gijs , SE Green , BP Hall , TLD Hardy , MS Irwig , LA Jacobs , AC Janssen , K Johnson , DT Klink , BPC Kreukels , LE Kuper , EJ Kvach , MA Malouf , R Massey , T Mazur , C McLachlan , SD Morrison , SW Mosser , PM Neira , U Nygren , JM Oates , J Obedin-Maliver , G Pagkalos , J Patton , N Phanuphak , K Rachlin , T Reed , GN Rider , J Ristori , S Robbins-Cherry , SA Roberts , KA Rodriguez-Wallberg , SM Rosenthal , K Sabir , JD Safer , AI Scheim , LJ Seal , TJ Sehoole , K Spencer , C St Amand , TD Steensma , JF Strang , GB Taylor , K Tilleman , GG T'Sjoen , LN Vala , NM Van Mello , JF Veale , JA Vencill , B Vincent , LM Wesp , MA West , J Arcelus

Brief summary: The World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) has issued an updated Standards of Care version 8 which contains important guidelines on how the assessment of gender variant children and adolescents should be considered, and by whom, and provides guidance around the consideration of young people for hormonal intervention.This long and detailed document has had considerable input from many experts involved in transgender c...